The Implementation Team
The Implementation Team was brought together in the fall of 2023 to analyze child care and early education best practices, strategies, and trends; communicate and engage with the public about the ACCEE Fund; participate in listening sessions and meet with other stakeholders, such as providers, parents, businesses, and community partners; detail how best to use ACCEE funds immediately as well as how to build a sustainable system for our families; bring forward an ordinance to the Anchorage Assembly that lays out the ACCEE Fund Board’s responsibilities, composition, and operations; and support the Board as it was being seated.
The Implementation Team provided its final report and proposed budget to the Mayor and Assembly on September 2, 2024. The Mayor considered that budget while putting together her proposed 2025 Municipal budget, including for the ACCEE Fund. In November, the Assembly passed a final 2025 budget, and the Board and Municipal staff, with the support of the ACCEE Fund contractor, are now working to implement ACCEE funded programs. The ACCEE Fund Board will propose future budgets to the Mayor and Assembly annually.
Members of the Implementation Team brought a range of experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds, all in support of advancing and supporting a more sustainable child care and early education system in Anchorage.
While the Implementation Team played a critical role in shaping the Anchorage Child Care and Early Education Fund, engagement with providers, parents, businesses, and our broader community was just as important. The Implementation Team and its contractor engaged extensively with stakeholders, including through individual meetings, presentations, listening sessions, and participation in larger conversations with others also working to solve our community’s child care and early education challenges. This broad engagement enabled the IT - and now the Municipality of Anchorage via the Implementation Team’s proposed budget - to put together a program that meets immediate child care and early education needs in our community while also building a more sustainable system for years to come. A list of past and upcoming meetings and events, including notes from past events, can be found on our Get Involved page.
Katrina Ahlfield
Executive Director of Kids’ Corps, Inc., a Head Start federal program that promotes school readiness for low-income children ages birth-five
Anna Brawley
Anchorage Assembly member
Branwen Collier
Director & Owner, Early Learning for Everyone
Eric Croft
Proposition 14 campaign team member and former Representative in the State of Alaska House of Representatives. Croft is also a former Anchorage Assembly and Anchorage School Board member.
Jade Hayden
Founder, Hmoob Cultural Center of Alaska
Carl Jacobs
Vice President, Anchorage School Board
Nora Matell
Kathleen McArdle
President/CEO of the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce
Melinda Myers
Chief Operating Officer at thread, Alaska’s child care resource and referral organization
Kameron Perez-Verdia
Anchorage Assembly member
Ethan Pettigrew
Executive Director, Cook Inlet Native Head Start
Kimberly Rash
Anchorage Health Department Acting Director
Dawn Skeete
Child Care Licensing Program Supervisor at the Anchorage Health Department
Jessica Simonsen
Trevor Storrs
Proposition 14 campaign team member and President & CEO of Alaska Children’s Trust
Heather Weafer
JBER representative, U.S. Air Force,
Flight Chief, Child and Youth Programs